From the course: Raspberry Pi Weekly

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Run COBOL on a Raspberry Pi

Run COBOL on a Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi Tutorial

From the course: Raspberry Pi Weekly

Run COBOL on a Raspberry Pi

- The unprecedented number of COVID-related unemployment claims has overwhelmed many legacy claims processing systems. Many of these systems were written with COBOL, a language that has been in use since 1960, but has since fallen out of favor. This got me thinking, can you run COBOL on the Raspberry Pi? Let's find out. Hi, I'm Mark Niemann-Ross, and welcome to this week's edition of "Raspberry Pi Weekly." Every week we explore the Raspberry Pi and share useful tips. Installing COBOL on the Raspberry Pi is fairly simple. Open a terminal window and install it with APT. So I'll type in sudo apt-get install open-cobol. This installs new COBOL, which is actually just a pre-processor that turns COBOL into C. With a successful install type in cobc --help. COBOL will respond with a help file. To write COBOL or many other languages in the Raspberry Pi, I use Genie as a general code editor, and it's easy to configure to use…
