From the course: Raspberry Pi Weekly

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Rotary phone: Ringer

Rotary phone: Ringer

- I found an old rotary phone. It's delightfully mechanical with a dial, bell, and handset, and I couldn't resist opening it up. And once inside, couldn't resist adding a Raspberry Pi. Adding modern electronics to a device from 1970 may seem like a waste of time, but what I found was a series of real-world challenges solved by technologies we've explored in this course. This week, let's solve the problem of how to ring the phone bell. (bells ringing) Hi, I'm Mark Niemann-Ross, and welcome to this week's edition of Raspberry Pi Weekly. Every week, we explore the Raspberry Pi and share useful tips. A standard rotary phone operated at 90 volts with a 20 hertz signal. That's a lot of voltage for just a ringer. Instead, I've removed the old electromagnet and replaced it with a five-volt solenoid. I glued a wire crimp terminal to the end of the solenoid, and then, bent the fingers of the terminal so it would grab the ringer…
