From the course: Raspberry Pi Weekly

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Build a temperature-controlled fan for the Raspberry Pi 4

Build a temperature-controlled fan for the Raspberry Pi 4 - Raspberry Pi Tutorial

From the course: Raspberry Pi Weekly

Build a temperature-controlled fan for the Raspberry Pi 4

- [Mark] Temperatures that exceed 85 degrees centigrade cause the Raspberry Pi to throttle processor speed and eventually shut down. The Raspberry Pi model Four is notorious for this and all those software modifications have relieved some of this overheating. It would be helpful if we created a fan that could respond to the Raspberry Pi overheating. Hi, I'm Mark Niemannn-Ross and welcome to this week's edition of Raspberry Pi Weekly. Every week, we explore the Raspberry Pi and share useful tips. The Raspberry Pi supplies a system level command called vcgencmd. We spoke about this command in an earlier session when we were looking at insufficient voltage. We can also use it to identify excessive temperature. Use the command; vcgencmd, space, measure_temp to get the current temperature in centigrade, and this is chip temperature not room temperature. What I'd like to do is check the Raspberry Pi every five minutes for…
