From the course: Creating Interactive Presentations with Shiny and R


- Hi, I'm Martin John Hadley, and this is Creating Interactive Presentations with R and Shiny. This course is designed to help you get started with creating presentations with R Markdown. I'll show you how to set up projects in RStudio, how to create web-hostable presentations, and then, how to convert any R script or visualization into an interactive application using Shiny. First, I'll show you the different types of presentations you can build using R Markdown through the easy-to-use R Markdown templates built into RStudio. And then, how to make these beautiful with css. You'll then be shown how to register for the open publishing platform, RPubs. So that you can deploy your html R Markdown presentations to RPubs for sharing with the world. All from within the RStudio environment. Once you've mastered R Markdown presentations, you will advance beyond the basic structure of Shiny App to enhance your presentations with engaging interactivity. By the end of this course, you'll be able to leverage Shiny libraries for creating rich, interactive data visualizations. To create dashboards you can embed anywhere. I hope this course helps you get started building both web-embedable presentations with R Markdown, as well as rich, interactive apps and dashboards using Shiny. Without having html or JavaScript. In fact, R, RStudio, and Shiny are all that you need to create impressive, interactive presentations, and dashboards. So, let's get started.
