From the course: R for Data Science: Lunch Break Lessons

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- [Lecturer] It is inevitable that you are going to want to store information about a person. And for that, R provides the person, function and object and here's how to use it. I've given you an example of how to put my name into a person object. So on line three, you'll note that I've created a vector called mnr and into that, I'm going to assign a person object. My given name is Mark, on line 4 my family name is Niemann-Ross, my email is Then under roles, you can see author and contributor. You'll find various options for roles in the documentation for person. Line 7 is a comment and you can put anything in there, including the ORCID number and ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. It's a way to track down documents, and the person who created them. So let's go ahead and run that command. I'll select it and run it, and what you'll notice is on the right hand side there is now an object called mnr, which is a list of one. And if I go down into the…
