From the course: R for Data Science: Lunch Break Lessons

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lattice: xyplot

lattice: xyplot

- In previous sessions, we've talked about the XY plot method that's part of the lattice package. And I'd like to spend just a little bit more time with that just to iron out some of the important parts of this. XY plot is a great place to start, and in particular, take a look at the help documentation. You can see I've pulled it up in the lower right hand corner. There is a wealth of information about formatting and customizing lattice plots, and it's all contained in the XY plot help file. The XY plot is really easy to use to set up plots now before I can use XY plot, I need to make sure that I have the lattice library loaded, so let's type in library and I type in lattice and then hit return and that loads in the library. Now I can use XY plot to do some plotting and it's really easy to do, I just type in weight for example and the tilde symbol versus time, data is going to come from chick weight. And when I run…
