From the course: Python: Working with Predictive Analytics

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Python libraries and data import

Python libraries and data import - Python Tutorial

From the course: Python: Working with Predictive Analytics

Python libraries and data import

- [Instructor] Python libraries are collections of functions and methods that allow you to perform actions without writing the code from scratch. It's a time saver so you aren't writing the same code over and over. Libraries are especially important when we are working with predictive analytics, as it will make life easier with pre-built functions. Adjusting the predictive model settings will be very user friendly. Using the libraries is important because it will come with built-in functions We can think of them like the tools, we are adding to our tool belt. For example, when we go camping, we can either bring an already built knife or we can build a knife ourselves, at the campground, using the resources from mother nature. Both will work, one will be faster. To use them, all we have to do is install and then hold the library once, using the import function and use it in your code as much as you need. Throughout this course, we are going to use Spyder to write and execute our code…
