From the course: Python for Students (2019)

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Choosing an editor

Choosing an editor

- [Instructor] As a developer, you're going to to spend a lot of time writing and reading code. So you'll probably want to start using an external editor rather than the built-in editor. It will give you some really valuable functions, including syntax highlighting that will point out common errors, auto-complete, and so much more. In this video, I'm going to run you through some of the most popular editors and you can pick the one that works best for you. First up is Sublime Text. Sublime Text is free, although the author's ask you to pay for it if you're getting some benefit from it. What people like about Sublime Text is it's simple and customizable and has a nice interface. Another great thing about Sublime Text is that there is an entire ecosystem of free open-sourced packages that will make the editor even more powerful. It's easy to download and set up and you might consider giving it a try. Up next…
