From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

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Use hyperlinks in reports to navigate to details

Use hyperlinks in reports to navigate to details

From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

Use hyperlinks in reports to navigate to details

- [Bonnie] Hi, Bonnie Biafore here. In this Project tip, I'll show you how to add hyperlinks to graphical reports, that way you can easily jump to views or other reports to see what you need to know. Let's head to the Report tab. In this movie, I'm gonna click Dashboards and then choose Project Overview as an example. And let's say that we want to add a hyperlink to this percent complete text box above the graph here on the right. To do that, just right-click the text box. Then, on the shortcut menu, choose Hyperlink. In the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, you want to make sure, over on the left side, to click Place in This Document. When you do that, you can select a view or report, any view or report that's in this Project file. In this case, I want to use the view that's a Tracking Gantt. I find it and select it, and then click OK. Another thing that you might want to do is edit the text to give people a hint that there is a hyperlink there, and I'm gonna do that. So I add this text…
