From the course: Managing Time-Constrained Projects with Microsoft Project

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Understanding crashing

Understanding crashing

- Now that we've created a schedule, we'd like to crash this schedule, to determine whether there's additional time that we could save based on resource requirements. Since Microsoft Project doesn't come out of the box with a crashing capability, we're going to build in some custom fields and tables to do that. We're going to go to the View ribbon and select Tables, and More Tables. We'll add a new Table, and we'll call it our Crash Table. We'll insert some fields into that, and we'll start off with the ID column. We'll use the Name for the task name, we'll include our Duration and Cost. We'd like to create some custom fields to capture additional data. Since I had mentioned, this doesn't come out of the box, so we will probably need to build in some additional formatting and fields, so I'm going to select Duration 1. I'll rename these later, I won't use the title since I want to make sure that the titles and the data get mapped together correctly. I'll then insert Cost 1, because…
