From the course: Microsoft Project 2016 Essential Training

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Leveling resources

Leveling resources

- Project's level resources feature delays and splits resource assignments to help you get rid of over allocations. You can level the entire project, or just the portions that are giving you trouble. Well if you're going to work on resource over allocations, the best view is the Leveling Gantt. So on the Task tab, click the bottom half of the Gantt chart button, and then choose Leveling Gantt. If you don't see it on this drop-down menu, you can go down to More Views. Then in the More Views dialog box, select Leveling Gantt, and click Apply. Now, go to the Resource tab. Before you actually level resources, you have to set some options to tell Project how you want to level. So to do that, in the Level section, click Leveling Options. The first choice is Automatic or Manual. It's set to Manual by default, and that's really the best choice. That means Project will only level when you tell it to. If you select Automatic, Project re-levels whenever you make a change to the project, and that…
