From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

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Find tasks with date constraints

Find tasks with date constraints

From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

Find tasks with date constraints

- [Bonnie] Hi, I'm Bonnie Biafore. One scheduling best practice is that the percentage of tasks with date constraints, should be 5% or less. In this tip, I'll show you how to calculate the percentage of tasks with date constraints and find them quickly. Well let's start by opening up the file for this movie. And when I open up this file, I see the planning wizard and it tells me that there's a scheduling conflict. If you see this message box, go ahead and select the continue option. We're going to allow the scheduling conflict and deal with it later on. So I'm going to click okay, and that opens up the file. The first thing we're going to do is insert the constraint type field. So I'm going to right click the predecessor heading and choose insert column. I start to type in the name of the field and when I see constraint type, I can click it to add it to the table. Now the easy way to see tasks that have actual date constraints, is to click the down arrow, next to the constraint type…
