From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

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Eliminate hashtags in table columns

Eliminate hashtags in table columns

From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

Eliminate hashtags in table columns

- [Instructor] Hi, it's Fani Biafore. This week, we'll look at how to get rid of hashtags in table cells, and adjust values so they take up less space. In this table, you can see hashtags in a lot of the cells in the table. That's Project's way of telling you that the values are too big to fit in the columns as they are right now. One approach to getting rid of the hashtags is to make the columns wider. To do that, you can point at the divider on the right side of the column, up in the heading row. In this case, I'm pointing at the divider for variance. When you see the double-headed arrow, just double click. And that makes the column wide enough to fit all of the values in that column. Another way you can do that is to right click a heading for a column. When the shortcut menu comes up, choose field settings, and then, in the field settings dialogue box, click best fit. That does exactly the same thing. Another approach is to change the format of the values so they take up less…
