From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

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Count tasks that meet a criterion

Count tasks that meet a criterion

From the course: Microsoft Project Tips Weekly

Count tasks that meet a criterion

- Bonnie Biafore here with another project tip. This week, we'll look at how to count how many tasks meet a criterion that you specify. In this project, let's say that we want to group the tasks in the project by their duration. That comes in handy, for example, if you want to crash the schedule. So you want to see the tasks with the longest durations, because those are the best candidates to shorten if you want to shorten the overall schedule. We're going to create a new group called "Duration in Weeks." On the view tab, in the data section, go to the group by box. Click the down arrow and choose new group by. In the name box, I'll type Duration in Weeks. In the group by field name, as you might expect, we're going to group by the field duration. In addition, I want to set the order to descending. That way, the longest duration tasks will be at the top of the list. We also want to define the group intervals. Click the button part way down in the dialogue box "Define group intervals."…
