From the course: Managing Time-Constrained Projects with Microsoft Project

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Adding lag or lead between tasks

Adding lag or lead between tasks

- In Microsoft Project sometimes we need to add a lead or a lag between tasks. In our case between task ID number nine and ten we want to add a delay of five days. So we're going to go to the link arrow between those two tasks in our Gantt chart and double click on it. We'll increase the lag to the five days that we need or delay for those tasks and then press OK. As you can see that draws the link or delay in those two tasks. We want to scroll down and add a lead to task ID number 32 or an overlap. So again we'll hover over the Gantt chart, over the task link between 31 and 32, double click on that and add in a negative one day or lead to these two tasks. Now we also have notice that we have some tasks that still remain unlinked. So we'll return to our Dangling Task filter on the View ribbon, rerun that filter and add in the successors for the remaining tasks that need links. So in this case, this is task ID number 35 and that will be linked to 39, the same for 36 and lastly 38…
