From the course: Agile Analysis Weekly Tips

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Stay ahead of backlog refinement

Stay ahead of backlog refinement

From the course: Agile Analysis Weekly Tips

Stay ahead of backlog refinement

- Teams that aren't keeping their backlog refinement on track, experience story carryover and a slowdown their velocity. Let's look at three signs that your team's backlog is on track. First, your team has two to three sprints of backlog items that are ready, refined and elaborated on. Here's a quick checklist to know if you're in good shape by having two to three sprints of items ready. First, you have acceptance criteria written for each item. You've been discussing the backlog items and acceptance criteria with the technical team, your items meet your team's definition of ready, you and the team have talked through the various user scenarios, technical design options and approaches for each user story or backlog item. You and the team also have some initial estimates of each item. Now, with this, be careful not to refine more than three sprints worth of detail. You can have more in your backlog, of course, but the detail is not needed until closer to development. Remember that…
