From the course: Agile Analysis Weekly Tips

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- Does your team have user stories that start with, as a user? Well it's a best practice to make sure the user is represented in the user story. We can greatly enhance the quality of our work by being specific about who the user is. A technique used by many teams to do this is called personas. A persona is an arc typical user or customer of a system or product. It helps the create a shared understanding of the kind of person that uses and interacts with the solution. An example would be for an online retail store. We would have personas that represent the various shoppers that shop at the store. For example, here's Samantha, a customer for an online grocery delivery service. She's a 48 year old with teenagers. She works as a nurse and is very involved in her kids' lives and activities. She's pretty savvy devices and likes to shop online. If this persona of Samantha is for an online grocery ordering product, her goal is to quickly buy quality groceries and get them into her…
