From the course: Learning Digital Business Analysis

Intelligent automation and digital landscape

From the course: Learning Digital Business Analysis

Intelligent automation and digital landscape

- To determine how your organization might look to transform its future, just look at how you use your own personal technology. Our own habits as users of our devices like phones, tablets, and home assistance are driving our expectations of how we interact with other organizations as well. We are expecting that every organization we interact with in our personal and professional lives has the latest capabilities, and many organizations are feverishly working at it. I don't know about you, but I see this impatience in myself increasing as I interact with various organizations. I just can't stand to listen to menu prompts anymore when I dial up a company. I will abandon my shopping cart online if I can't easily and quickly access my account. And no, I don't know what my account number is, please find another way to validate who I am. I'm not a number. I just want an easy button, don't you? We expect instant data and instant answers. We hate waiting for anything and this is the new norm. Yes, we are in fact driving and demanding that organizations change the way they interact with us. To compete in today's business environment, organizations are going to need to match these expectations or someone else will. Disruption is happening everywhere and in every industry. More is coming, and you are and will be a part of it. These technologies driving these changes have recently had some critical advances that have made them more accessible, more accurate, more cost-effective, and very quick to implement. This accessibility and speed is making digital transformations more urgent than ever to survive for organizations. This is making a very volatile and uncertain business environment in many industries and creates demands on our project teams to deliver results under extreme ambiguity and uncertainty, not to mention complexity and change. We are literally reinventing new business models and customer experiences as we go. Our customers expect this as well, and this means instead of working our backlogs and projects to improve a single touchpoint or customer interaction, we need to look at the whole customer experience more holistically and remove multiple touchpoints to bring them the value and experience they expect and desire. We need to bring our customers and internal users disparate data and interpretations of data quickly so they can achieve their goals faster. We need to predict what they need before they even ask for it. The capabilities we discuss in this course will be the new norm for projects. They require new skills, new ways of thinking, and new ways of working. The organizations and individuals that can learn and adapt quickly are reaching the top and will continue to. How organizations leverage these advanced technologies will make a huge difference in their success and what their industries evolve to. These capabilities will change business models, they'll change customer expectations, and they'll completely change the customer experiences. The hardest part, and where business analysis comes in, organizations need to determine which capabilities to invest in. They need to figure out which business processes and customer interactions are worth the investment. This is a big part of our role and organizations need our skills now more than ever if we're up for the challenge.
