From the course: Agile Analysis Weekly Tips

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- If you ever feel like the product or feature you're working on is a leap of faith and needs a prayer, then it's time to use a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an idea or explanation for something that is based on limited facts or evidence. It needs more investigation to be generally accepted. Hypotheses are ways for teams to setup a structured and controlled investigation. It's a way to learn while making progress towards the goal and while reducing risk. Also, hypotheses are great as an overall technique to keep an eye on the outcome and metrics you're looking to move. Teams use hypotheses in some common situations to help innovate. They use them when driving innovation to ensure that only build enough at a time, so they can learn from each piece and reduce the risk of rework. Many hypotheses lead to additional experiments or sub-experiments. Teams also use hypotheses to remove ambiguity in both business and technology assumptions or leaps of faith. Let's look at how a typical…
