From the course: Audio Mixing Bootcamp

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Using the three-reverb setup

Using the three-reverb setup - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Bootcamp

Using the three-reverb setup

In this video we'll look at how to use 3 reverbs in the mix to get a small, a medium, and a large space. I'll show you that by placing instruments in different environments, we can give the mix depth and interest. So the first thing we're going to do is add a reverb. We'll go and I'll get our D-Verb that we've been using, and this is going to be for our short reverb. This will be a small space and we'll call this a Room, and it will be set to less than one second. In this case I'm going to put it somewhere down 500 milliseconds or so. We're going to use this for percussion and drums and maybe even guitars and keyboards. The second one is going to be a medium space and what we're going to do is add a Reverb Effects returned. So we'll come up to Track, we'll say New, we'll say Stereo because it sounds better in stereo, and we'll say Aux Input. So there is our Aux Input that just came up. Let's call this Rev Medium. Let's again let's add a D-Verb. I am using D-Verb because I think it…
