From the course: Audio Mixing Bootcamp

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Using delay to layer the mix

Using delay to layer the mix - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Bootcamp

Using delay to layer the mix

Just like Reverb, there's no rule for where or how Delay is added to a mix. In some mixes, a single delay can work for every instrument vocal. That's what they did on all those great hits in the 50s, 60s, and 70s when the Delay came from a tape machine. Another mix might sound better with the separate delay for every mix element. Here are a few examples that will allow you to hear each scenario. So we have our three delays set up. We have a Haas Delay which is a delay of 40 milliseconds or less. We have a Short Delay, this is somewhere between 50 and 150 milliseconds, and we have a Long Delay that's somewhere around 300-400 milliseconds. In this case, everything is timed to the track. If we look at our Haas Delay, it's at 36 milliseconds timed to the track, Tempo is at 104 BPM. If we look at our Medium Delay or Short Delay, it's at 216 milliseconds and that's a dotted 16th note delay. We look at our Long Delay. It's a 8th note delay at 288 milliseconds. So let's hear how we can use…
