From the course: Audio Mixing Bootcamp

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Understanding delay parameters

Understanding delay parameters - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Bootcamp

Understanding delay parameters

Delay has fewer control parameters in reverb, but that doesn't make it any less powerful. In this movie I'm going to show you the various delay controls and explain what they're for. The very first one we're going to talk about is delay time and that's similar to the decay time on reverb. What that does is set the time between repeats. It's usually measured in milliseconds since it's rare that it ever goes as long as a second, which is 1000 milliseconds. Let's have a listen to what it sounds like. Here we go with a soloed electric guitar, have a listen. (Music playing) Now, let's go down to 34 milliseconds and have a listen what it sounds like. (Music playing) We can't really hear too much of a difference and once again like reverb, the shorter a Delay gets, the bigger the sound gets. It doesn't necessarily get pushed back from here. It gets bigger. Now let's move this out as far as it will go and this is 2726. In other words this is 2,726 milliseconds, which is 2.7 seconds. Let's…
