From the course: Audio Mixing Bootcamp

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Timing the delay to the track

Timing the delay to the track - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Bootcamp

Timing the delay to the track

Just like with reverb, timing your delay to the track can add depth without the delay being noticeable. In this video, I am going to show you how to time your delay to the track. The reason why you want to time your delay to the track is because the delay will be noticeable if it's not timed. Now sometimes you want it to be noticeable, and other times you don't. Most of the time you don't, because it gives it a feeling of depth without pushing the Track back into the mix. Many delay plug-ins allow you to sync to the BPM of the track which automatically determines the delay times. In fact, in Pro Tools this is what happens and this is what Tempo and Meter and Groove does. If this option isn't available, you can time the delay to the track by using the following formula. 60,000 divided by the beats per minute of the track, and that equals the delay time in milliseconds. As an example, 60,000 divided by 125 beats per minute equals 480 milliseconds. This is the delay of a quarter note. If…
