From the course: Music Production Secrets

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Remove explicit content

Remove explicit content - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Music Production Secrets

Remove explicit content

- [Voiceover] I had a situation recently where I had to create radio friendly mixes for a client removing the explicit content. All I had was the mastered mix of a song and a mastered instrumental version of the same song. I thought to myself well I'll just cut the instrumental bit in over the words. But I came up with some pretty good tricks while I was doing it so I thought I'd show you here. We're dealing with this song here. We're going to use the word step to imitate our explicit content to keep a nice G rating. And here's the song we're working on right here. ♫ So for the first step ♫ Let's power ♫ - [Voiceover] Now purposely I mixed the vocals on this song very low because that's the same situation I was dealing with on the case I was mentioning earlier. It's kind of hard to hear what I was finding because I couldn't tell where the certain words were. And a great trick that I came up with is first of all, you line up the instrumental mix with the vocal mix and get them just…
