From the course: Audio Mastering Techniques

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Evaluating your listening environment

Evaluating your listening environment

From the course: Audio Mastering Techniques

Evaluating your listening environment

Probably the one area that gets overlooked in most home studios is the listening environment, but it's important because the better your room sounds the more accurate the audio from your monitors will be. While it's easy to spend a lot of money trying to improve your listening area here are a few no-cost tips that can really make a difference. Avoid placing speakers up against the wall. The further away you get from the wall the smoother the monitor speaker response will be especially in the low end. Avoid the corners of the room. A corner reinforces the low-end even more than when placed against a wall. The worst case is if only one speaker is in the corner, which will cause the low end response of your system to be lopsided. Avoid being closer to one wall of the room than the other. If one speaker is closer to a side wall then the other, you'll get a totally different frequency response between the two, because the reflections from the near wall are different from the other side…
