From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Do not Auto-Tune your vocal doubles

Do not Auto-Tune your vocal doubles - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Do not Auto-Tune your vocal doubles

- [Instructor] When applying any type of pitch correction to vocals or instruments, it's important to keep in mind the basics of polarity and phase relationships. Nothing makes this more obvious than what happens if you auto tune two vocal parts singing the same note at the same time, like a double lead vocal, backing vocals, or a vocal harmony. Here we have two backing vocal parts singing the same note. Here they are together as recorded and in the mix. (women singing) And here they are soloed. (women singing) You can obviously hear some natural chorusing happening. Now let's tune them both with the Auto Tune Pro plugin inserted, set to its default setting. (women singing) Notice the harsher tone that they now create between each other. It's slightly metallic and not as rich. Compare this to the untuned tracks. (women singing) Now tuned. (women singing) And in the mix. (rock music) And then untuned in the mix. (rock music) The richness that we lose with the tuning and the thinness…
