From the course: Audio Mixing Bootcamp

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Adding reverb to the guitars

Adding reverb to the guitars - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Bootcamp

Adding reverb to the guitars

While guitars are percussive by nature they also have a sustaining quality. That means that a variety of different reverb settings can work depending upon the guitar's place in the arrangement. In this movie, I'm going to show you some different tricks that you can use to make the guitar sound larger-than-life. So the first thing we're going to do is we're going to listen to these guitars in the track. There is two of them. One is panned left, the other one is panned right. (Music playing) We can work on the first one, Guitar 1 that's on the left. We'll solo that up and have a quick listen. (Music playing) So I already have a reverb all set for this guitar and it's called Guitar Verb and it's on bus 21-22. So what we'll do is we'll go to bus 21-22 with send. Now let's bring it up and hear what happens. (Music playing) Now what we didn't do is tailor the sound of the reverb, but also let's take a quick look what it is. This is just the default settings of the reverb. We're in a large…
