From the course: Principle for UX Design (2019)

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Create scrollable content

Create scrollable content

- [Instructor] In this video we are going to take a look at making a scrollable interface. This is one of the first prototyping tasks most people undertake and in principle, it's not that difficult to do. There are just a couple of minor things you need to be aware of. So let's get started and to get yourself started open the Scroll file found in your chapter download. Now I got the preview open here and if I try to scroll nothing happens. To make something scrollable what you have to do is select the items that will be scrollable. So if I zoom out here, you can see I've got three cards, Banff, that deal with a visit to Banff and they're right here. Card one, two, and three. So what you're going to do is you're going to group them. First off, when you are creating scrollable item, the items to be scrolled must be in a group. So we'll group them by pressing Command + G. So with it grouped, obviously it's got to be scrollable. Nope, still not. So here's the next thing you have to do…
