From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Fixing Video Exposure Problems

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The role of secondary correction

The role of secondary correction

- As you work with footage, you might decide that parts of the footage needs some subtle adjustments. Perhaps it's a bluer sky or greener grass. This really comes down to secondary color correction. Choosing a specific area and targeting it based on the hue, luminosity, or saturation. Once you've done so, it's easy to refine that area further with a secondary adjustment. In the project panel, go up a level, and locate folder five. Making secondary corrections. Hold down your modifier key, and step into that folder. I'll open up sequence 5.1. The role of secondary corrections, and click on the Panel Menu here, and close the other timeline panels. Here, I've put together three sample shots. For example, our mountain range, I've made the sky bluer, the grass greener, and the red a little darker. If you look at the before and after, you'll that each range has been affected. Plus a lot more detail in the sky has come out. In this next adjustment here, you'll see that the before and after…
