From the course: Raw & Log Video Production Workflows

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An overview of adjusting color and exposure in Premiere Pro

An overview of adjusting color and exposure in Premiere Pro

From the course: Raw & Log Video Production Workflows

An overview of adjusting color and exposure in Premiere Pro

- So, Rich, earlier we applied some input LUTs to a couple clips- - Yep. - And I made mention that when we did that I might have had a couple sighs or a couple (gasps) you know, kind of, gasps of air when we did those input LUTs. As I've been very consistent throughout this entire title saying, "LUTs are just dumb math," right? And because of that, not every single time that you apply one are the results going to be perfect. What's even more than that is, remember, LUTs are part of an overall workflow. So, I think what we should do in this movie is explain a little bit how to prepare and massage a clip, other color controls when a LUT has gone a little bad, and then also give folks a tour of some of the other color tools that are available here in the Lumetri Color panel. - [Rich] Rob, let's do a basic adjustment here. I'm going to go to one of those clips that we captured that was Log- - [Rob] Okay. - [Rich] And this is going to come from the studio. - [Rob] Yep. - [Rich] We're just…
