From the course: Adobe Green-Screen Workflow

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When to use a third-party keyer

When to use a third-party keyer

From the course: Adobe Green-Screen Workflow

When to use a third-party keyer

- There are a wealth of third-party keyers available for After Effects and Premiere Pro, so you might be wondering, when should I use one? Well, here are a couple of things to consider. First off, many of the keyers that are available will work inside of After Effects and Premiere Pro. What this means is that you can actually get better keying inside of Premiere Pro that's on par with After Effects. This can also be useful if you're taking advantage of dynamic link or you're going to be using the copy and paste effect to move Premiere elements into After Effects for finishing. You can get the basic key done in Premiere Pro, and then switch over to After Effects for advanced matching with lighting. This really opens up some different options. There are also some very cool third-party plugins available to do things like color matching. For example, this can help you match the color of foreground to background a bit more dynamically and quickly than having to sit there and adjust color…
