From the course: Video Journalism: Shooting Techniques

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Using diagonal lines and curves

Using diagonal lines and curves

Diagonal lines and curves add visual interest to images. Diagonal lines tend to move the viewer's attention along those lines, and curves, especially S curves, tend to hold an image together. Diagonal lines are everywhere, even when looking straight down a road, but they're more interesting if you shift off to one side of the road so a diagonal lines starts at the edge of the frame. Better still if you can incorporate an S curve into the composition. Look at how much more interesting this composition becomes along this sinewy roadway. Here are a few shots I took that utilize diagonals lines or S curves. I could have shot this from over here to the left, looking straight at it, but instead I am looking down it, to show those diagonal line, and also because I know the shopper is going to move along there. So this will pull your attention along with the shopper as he moves down this row of produce. I was thinking of various ways to start this story about the farrier, the horseshoer, and…
