From the course: Adobe Green-Screen Workflow

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Stacking layers for keying

Stacking layers for keying

- While we have taken a quick look at the process of keying in Premiere Pro, let's dig in in depth. The first step to keying in Premiere Pro is making sure that things are laid out correctly. Quite simply, you need a backdrop and a foreground. Now what's going to typically happen is the backdrop will go on track one and the foreground or footage element will go up on track two. If you're dealing with a more complex layered backdrop, you might need multiple tracks or depending upon how the sequence is laid out, this might go to a higher track, but ultimately it's pretty straightforward. Background and foreground, let me show you. Let's start by making a new sequence. I'm going to do this project here key in Premiere Pro and I'm just going to click to make a new item and we'll make a new sequence. Now I'll leave this as is because we'll autoconform in just a moment. I'm going to name this key in PP for Premiere Pro and click OK. It's now added to my project. Let's maximize that window…
