From the course: Creating a PSA Commercial

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Shooting the night kitchen scene

Shooting the night kitchen scene - Premiere Pro Tutorial

From the course: Creating a PSA Commercial

Shooting the night kitchen scene

- So we're shooting the kitchen scene right now, and we've been breaking it up into different pieces. In order to not keep the actors on set, and keep them fresh, we're able to cycle out. So as we switch from one angle to the other, we're letting people go. It's a good idea when working with child actors, that you don't keep people on that set when it's not really necessary, so you're gonna wanna just keep everybody fresh and give 'em time to take a break. We're just switching the angles, we've actually got about six angles in this opening scene, we're not going to use them all for the spot, but having a couple extra angles is really gonna allow us to do an extended edition for the web, where we can put in a little bit more narration. We wanted it to look like dinner time, so it was necessary to block a lot of the light on the outside, as well as gel all of the windows. By layering in different gel on the outside, we were able to convey the color temperature change that was important.…
