From the course: Raw & Log Video Production Workflows

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Lookup table workflows

Lookup table workflows

- Rich, as I'm starting thinking about moving into post-production, there's one thing that it's sort of post, it's sort of production. - Right. - And it kind of has this really weird middle ground, and it's something that kind of confuses a lot of people. And I think what we want to do in this movie, is kind of point out the idea of taking a lookup table, or a preview LUT that was used on-set. And does that really actually make the move with you to post-production? And it kind of begs the question, really what is the role of a LUT in a whole work flow, moving from production to post? - And I think what happens here, Rob, is that it's a matter of understanding that, sometimes information needs to be communicated, even if that information is ignored. So, if you were on-set, and everybody's used to looking at the footage a certain way, and the client's been providing feedback, or shoot notes, and they were looking at a monitor that had a lookup table applied, you may want to see that…
