From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Fixing Video Exposure Problems

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The Levels effect

The Levels effect

- Now that we've explored the Lumetri effect in depth, let's move on to a few other effects both in Premiere Pro and After Effects that might be useful for specialty situations. The first up is levels and it will seem quite familiar if you're used to using Photoshop or Lightroom. In the project panel, I'll switch to the next folder. We'll go up a level and let's scroll down here to folder seven. Holding down the modifier key, I'll double click to open it and we'll start with 7.1 the levels effect. Feel free to click on the panel menu and close the other timeline panels to free up some space. I'll press the backslash key to see the two states here in the sequence. And what I'm going to do is look at the first shot which is unaffected and then processed. The levels effect goes a long way to correcting things. It is an effect that is going to be familiar if you've used other photo software. Let's just type in the word levels and you'll see we have adjust levels. I'll grab that and drop…
