From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Dynamic Link and the Adobe Workflow

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Importing a layered Photoshop file

Importing a layered Photoshop file

- If you've already prepared a Photoshop file, Premier Pro can easily read that and bring it in. Let me show you how. I'll choose File, Import, and navigate to the file called Eagles_Prepped. In this case, I'll choose Open. When I do, a new dialog opens and you have to decide what you'd like to import. You can choose to merge everything into a single graphic. You can choose to split this apart and you could decide to merge it, but which layers are in the graphic. This works well if you have a multi-layered file that's like a lower third with logos and different text layers that you want to turn on or off. Additionally, you could choose Individual Layers, or to bring the whole thing in as a Sequence with each layer in tact. You can also decide to assign a Document Size or Layer Size, as to how it crops. I'll stick with Document Size. When I click OK, it brings it in as a Sequence. If we take a look at that Sequence there, you'll see that we can open it up. Let's make this a little…
