From the course: Learning DSLR Filmmaking

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Getting shallow depth of field

Getting shallow depth of field - Premiere Pro Tutorial

From the course: Learning DSLR Filmmaking

Getting shallow depth of field

Chad Perkins: So we've been talking here and there throughout this training series about getting that coveted shallow depth of field look. We thought it might be nice to just kind of combine all those tips and tricks and add little bit more to the story in this tutorial about getting a shallow depth of field. Brian Liepe: One of the first steps in achieving that really cool shallow depth of field look is choosing the right lens. I like to use a lens that has a focal length of 50mm or higher. Now it not impossible to get a shallow depth of field with a focal length less then that and we'll definitely teach you more about that later on. It's just easier using a telephoto lens because it magnifies those out of focus areas, and it just makes getting this look a lot easier. Chad Perkins: The next step in achieving shallow depth of field, is we want to of course open up the aperture as much as possible, because again, as we open up the aperture we're going to shrink that area of focus, and…
