From the course: Video Journalism: Storytelling Techniques

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Getting establishing and closing shots

Getting establishing and closing shots - Premiere Pro Tutorial

From the course: Video Journalism: Storytelling Techniques

Getting establishing and closing shots

Establishing enclosing shots and sequences are important. Establishing shots give your stories a sense of time and place. They bring your viewers into the story. They can be as simple as a single wide shot of an easily recognizable location, a sequence of shots, or a few quick shots of an activity. For my three clients, those quick shots could be kids climbing at the Santa Barbara Rock Gym, animatronic puppets at Axtell Expressions, or baking preparations at the Sticky Fingers Baking Company. All give your viewers a sense of where the story is going. Closing shots are what viewers take away from your story. It's what they remember, so try to make them memorable. Closing shots can be as cliche as a sunset or someone ridding off in a distance, or someone closing a pen cap after they finish writing a heartfelt letter. In this lesson, I'm going to show several establishing and closing shots and sequences using examples from my three clients. As you'll see there are no hard-and-fast rules.…
