From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Fixing Video Exposure Problems

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Fixing your white balance

Fixing your white balance

- Not all footage is going to be shot log. However, all footage should be white balanced. In this case, you'll typically do this in the field, but if your camera was set to something like auto white balance or a preset, it might be slightly off. Let's go to the next sequence here 2.2 and in this case, we have a shot that has a lot of color cast. I'm going to switch to the RGB parade so it's easier to see this. You'll notice a very strong presence of blue. The reds are dropped down and the blues are quite high. Let's unclamp that signal there a little bit and you can see it even better. In the corrected version of the shot, a lot has been fixed. A slight change at temperature really helps. Well, let's go here and click the Auto button for a second and you see it adjusted exposure, but it didn't really get the color balanced. With the eye dropper, I can click on something that should be white like the head of the eagle here, but that went a bit too far so let's back that off. What we're…
