From the course: Raw & Log Video Production Workflows

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Can I record video in both log and raw?

Can I record video in both log and raw?

From the course: Raw & Log Video Production Workflows

Can I record video in both log and raw?

- [Instructor] So, we're forced with making lots of decisions when we set up our cameras, and I know that as I dig through the camera menus, I see choices for raw, and then I see choices for log, and sometimes they seem to be combined together and other times I'm making choices of what happens where and you change one menu setting and something else changes. For folks who are kind of wrapping their heads around these two concepts - Scratching their head like this, yes - Yeah, do these two things work together? - Remember what I said earlier, that log is processed video and raw is not video, it's simply just data, right? So the reason that this is important is because log is different than raw. And here's the thing, I understand why it confuses people, and this is when I said that anecdote earlier when I had a client that said I don't get it, we shot it raw, and I'm like no you didn't, you shot it log c on an Alexa, right? Here's the deal, raw data, because it's not video, right, by…
