From the course: Raw & Log Video Production Workflows

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Beware of fake log

Beware of fake log

- Rob, I remember when we were working on one of our earlier books together, From Still To Motion, and it was at the dawn of DSLR video. Everybody was having picture profiles, download this, put it on the 5D Mark II, adjust these settings, go in, flatten out the image and we would make profiles on the camera to, sort of, tweak the saturation and the contrast. We would make flat video - Mm-hmm - and do that by manipulating the settings and that's not really log, that's flat. - Well, you have to ... that's true and you have to remember, at the time, that the, you know - It was the best we could do. - Right, the accessibility to cameras that were able to shoot true logarithmic, you know, video files was, you know, at the very high-end. - Yeah. - You know the 60, 70 thousand dollar camera and so, you know, people got it in their head, well, look, I see what these high-end cameras are doing maybe I can get a little taste of that if I, kind of, mimic, kind of, the flatness, the lack of…
