From the course: Creating a Short Film: 08 Editing

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Becoming a better editor

Becoming a better editor

- [Instructor] Whew, so at this point we've gone through this whole course and learned a ton but editing is an art and as such there's always more to learn, so here's some things I suggest to improve your cutting chops. First, get a good understanding of story, check out and re-check out the second course in the series on writing. Read a book on screen writing or story structure, for that I might recommend The Writer's Journey or Save the Cat. Also, edit a bunch of different styles. Edit a horror movie, edit a comedy, edit a drama, edit an action movie, edit a music video. Even if these genres aren't your thing, you'll learn a ton by researching them and digging into their own unique editing language and in turn, that will help you shape your own personal style and preferences. In addition to that, try reediting something. This was so eye opening for me on the assurance. Try to recut something to change the story or completely change the genre. One of my favorite things online is when…
