From the course: Raw & Log Video Production Workflows

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Applying a LUT in After Effects

Applying a LUT in After Effects

- Besides being able to bring footage into Premiere and then After Effects, After Effects has its own media browser, and it is possible if you are familiar with After Effects to bring footage indirectly often camera-native and still use things like input LUTS or creative LUTS. - It's true Rich. LUTS play a really vital role in a lot of visual effects pipelines, so it makes sense that After Effects can work with lookup tables. - But what's important is that you do it the right way. There are a few different ways of applying a lookup table in After Effects, and I want to show you how to access those. Alright Rob, let's take a look at a couple of the clips here. We mentioned earlier that different formats existed, let's take that ARRI log and drop that into a comp, which is similar to a sequence, and there it is, I got the clip selected, and if I take a look here, I can search for the lumetri effect, so I'll just type in lumetri, and there's the lumetri color, and we can drop that on the…
