From the course: PowerShell for Exchange Administration

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Setting up quotas

Setting up quotas

(upbeat music) [Anthony Howell] Let's take a look at setting mailbox quotas in Exchange using PowerShell. So the first thing is you'll either need to be in the Exchange Management Shell or have an Exchange PowerShell session open. In my case I have an Exchange PowerShell session open. So the first place we can set mailbox quotas is on the database. SO I mount the database name here and using the Get-Mailbox Database command-let. We can look at the quotas that are currently set on that mailbox database. Now you can see here that they are all currently unlimited. So to set them we use the Set Mailbox Database command-let and the different quota parameters. So in this case there are issue warning quota, prohibit send quota and prohibit send receive quota. So I can splat those to the database quota variable and use the Set Mail Database command-let to preform that action. And then using the Get Mailbox Database command-let we can again look at those quotas and to see what we actually set…
