From the course: PowerShell for Exchange Administration

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Moving mailboxes between databases

Moving mailboxes between databases

(bright upbeat music) - [Anthony Howell] Let's take a look at how to move a mailbox to a new database in Exchange using PowerShell. So, the first thing is you really need to be working inside the Exchange Management Shell or have an Exchange PowerShell session open. So in this case, I have an Exchange PowerShell session open. So the first thing, is we'll need to determine what database a mailbox is in currently. So, we need to look at the Database Property of the mailbox so we'll use the get mailbox command lit and pipe it to the select object command lit and specify the Database Property. Seems to be this user is actually still in one of the default mailboxes created by Exchange and it hasn't been moved to one of our Mana Databases yet. So to move it, we'll use the new move request command lit. Cause what we're doing; is we're actually making what Exchange calls a move request so we're requesting that Exchange moves it. And telling it what Database to move it to. So we'll create that…
