From the course: PowerShell for Exchange Administration

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Managing protocols

Managing protocols

(light music) - [Anthony] Let's take a look at managing user mailboxes in Exchange using PowerShell. So first thing is you either need to be working inside of the Exchange Management Shell or have an Exchange PowerShell session open. So you can see here that I have an Exchange PowerShell session open. So the first thing we'll take a look at is creating a mailbox for a user that already exists in active directory. So to retrieve the user we'll use the Get-ADUser commandlet. So just to validate this user does exist. I can see that this user does not have an email address property in active directory. So to create the mailbox for the user, we use the Enable-Mailbox commandlet and give it the name of the user, and then optionally what database we want to use. And that will set the email address policy in active directory. So we'll validate that again using the Get-ADUser commandlet. And then we can validate that that mailbox does exist using the Get-Mailbox commandlet in Exchange. So then…
