From the course: PowerPoint: Audio and Video

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Play video full screen

Play video full screen

- [Instructor] By default, when playing a video on your slide, it'll play at the size at which you made it on the slide. But there may be times when you want your video to take up the full screen for maximum visibility or impact. So here's how to do that. I'm on slide six of my presentation, and I'll click on my video to select it. And I'll go up to Video Tools, to the Playback tab. Here, we'll find the Video Options area, and I'm just going to check Play Full Screen. So whenever I play my slide show and I start my video, (guitar music) it takes up the entire screen. I'll just press Escape to get out of that. But when your video reaches the end, it'll drop back out of full screen, and you can continue with your presentation. Just be aware that you won't be able to play it in its native size during your presentation unless you go back out to normal mode and uncheck Play Full Screen. But a nice thing about playing full screen is that your video doesn't have to take up much space on the…
