From the course: Presentation Tips

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Copy and pasting styles and animations in Keynote and PowerPoint

Copy and pasting styles and animations in Keynote and PowerPoint

From the course: Presentation Tips

Copy and pasting styles and animations in Keynote and PowerPoint

- [Instructor] I'm Joel Simmons, AKA the presentation guy. All right, let's say we're in the zone. We're in a deck and we're just creating a whole bunch of animations, bringing our titles in, bringing shapes in, all kinds of different varied animations, and we show this to the client and they love it. They love all the animations we did. So how do we go ahead and port these animations and styles over to other objects in our deck? Well, I'm in Keynote right now, so let me show you how we're going to do that here. So let's go ahead and take our square, and let's say we want to imply this style to our circle and our star. All right, we're simply going to go up to format, copy style, and then we're going to go ahead and select both of these things, and I'm just shift clicking both of those. Then we're going to go back to Format, Paste Style. Now look at that. All right, now let's say we want to copy our animation. Maybe our phone animation, and apply that to these titles over here. We're…
