From the course: PowerPoint 2016 Essential Training

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Connecting PowerPoint to your OneDrive account

Connecting PowerPoint to your OneDrive account

From the course: PowerPoint 2016 Essential Training

Connecting PowerPoint to your OneDrive account

- OneDrive is Microsoft's online cloud file storage service. If you're currently a OneDrive user, you can access your presentations that are on OneDrive right from PowerPoint. You can also save them directly to OneDrive. If you're an Office 365 user, you get a free OneDrive account with that and an additional one terabytes worth of storage, which is a lot of PowerPoint presentations. To connect to your account, click "File" and then choose "Account." Click "Sign In" and you'll be prompted to sign in with your Microsoft account. Click "Next" and you'll be prompted for your password. Click the blue "Sign In" button, and you'll be signed into your Office account. It's going to load up all your connected services such as your OneDrive account or SharePoint sites. You can also click "Add a service." From here, you can sign into other OneDrive or SharePoint sites. You can even sign into the Microsoft Office Store to get some new apps. At any time, you can come back into here and sign out or…
